mistsI live in what amounts to a self-induced-semi-fog. (I love my dashes, my parenthetical asides, and my blatant disregard for the customs of punctuation and syntax. This is my foggy world, folks, and my rules apply.) It is a matter of survival that I maintain a comfortable distance between myself and what is considered “the real world” by those who run that inhospitable place, a so-called reality I remind myself was well-defined by Jane Wagner with the line “a collective hunch”.

So, this morning, when I woke here at Aftermath where I am watching the estate for another day, I was charmed to see my world-view made manifest by weather conditions. The mist had rolled in during the night. Usually it burns off by early morning, but, today, it seems to be thickening, increasingly impenetrable. Perhaps this is not, after all, weather, but, rather, Magic. A miracle for Charlie. Perhaps, at last, Avalon is throwing off its cloak, unveiling again, Morgana and Morgause making a return to straighten things out here.

Or, perhaps, the Priestesses of Avalon are subsuming Aftermath into Avalon. If you drive to Boonsboro looking for me and the town is gone, I’ve Brigadooned my way to the Lady of the Lake who heard my keening yesterday when Twitter went all mad for the new social-network-platform, Ello. (CLICK HERE FOR AN ARTICLE EXPLAINING IT)

ELLOPlease. No. Stop. Now.

Ello is being huzzah-ed and heralded as possible replacement for the evil empire of Facebook. Ello promises not to pollute your feed with ads nor commodify and monetize you. Ello is artier and cooler and hipper. Ello allows you to use whatever name you like. Ello is where the cool kids are going after school to hang. Argh. Look, I left Facebook because the posts were becoming increasingly moronic and vituperative and, too, I hated Facebook deciding what would and would not be seen. It freed up a lot of my time. It also made me pay attention to Twitter, where I have found a lovely community, made lots of friends, and am very happy.

I don’t want to have to build another imaginary world in Ello. But, again this morning, my Twitter-feed is full of the hip and much admired talking about their new Ello names and inviting us to invite them to invite us to the invitation only world of Ello.

I’ve got just one word for that: Oodbye.

I watched the season premiere of Scandal last night. I am seriously in love with Bellamy Young as Mellie. So is BuzzFeed. Check it out CLICK HERE.

GIF alfred enoch

Then I watched the new Shonda Rhimes entry, How To Get Away With Murder. I’m not completely sure yet, but I think I’m in love. I had been hitting the Malbec pretty heavy by the time it came on and so was a trifle confused, but when the gaysex scene happened and hot guy one went at hot guy two, tore off his clothes, threw him onto the bed and said, “I did, but I want this too. Turn over.” Watch.

I was pretty much a fan. In addition, the actor who plays Wes, Alfred Enoch, seriously makes me want to say or be said to the very same thing. I’ll watch again.

Now, as I’ve been writing this, the sun has burnt away the mists. Damn. Guess I’m going to have to do my version of “real world” functioning. But first, one more video. Ms. Streisand released Partners this week, making her the only performer to have number one debut albums six decades in a row. WOW. Much admiration. I am still enthralled by her earliest work and whenever the sun makes an unexpected appearance I start wailing the song below – so apt this morning. Happy weekending, my darlings.